Front National SA
August 8, 20170

South Africa may face USA Court, Washington
If all goes according to plan, the South African government may face legal proceedings in the USA before the end of 2017 and will also have to answer to Washington regarding self-determination for Afrikaners.
Through Johan van Rensburg and a group of expats in the USA, Front National’s adv Jurg Prinsloo and FN international liaison officer Catryn Bosman will collaborate with a USA law firm and two Republican Congresswomen to take the SA government to task about
the international right to self-determination;
The discriminatory laws, practices, and ordinances as concern farm murders, general attacks on “whites,” racial slurs on social media and video clips by “blacks” and politicians such as Zuma, Maimane, and Malema. These will hinge on racial incitement, Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment, emigration figures for whites, quotas in sports teams and university applications, land grabs and more than 100 discriminatory laws.
While not much detail can be provided at this stage due to the preparation of the court and Congress proceedings in the USA, $2000 had been raised and paid already by the expats.
Front National SA will rely heavily on our own contributions as well as our official and registered members, but also URGENTLY appeal to our supporters to social media to contribute to the court and political actions by donating to FRONT NATIONAL, ABSA account 4084235980 and with Swift code: ABSAZAJJ. Every cent will help to try and secure our future as an ethnic group in South Africa.
Read the original article by Hannes Engelbrecht on Front National SA page
South Africa Today – South Africa News