Front National
“Racism exists wherever there are black people. Why? In Jos, Nigeria, blacks just killed 42 blacks, and we do not blink an eyelid, yet we are outraged when police kill one black youth in the USA.”
Recall 300 virgins taken a year ago? Silence! Is that what we call savagery of blacks but not of whites? You racist!” – Dr. Franklin Johnston, strategist, project manager and advisor to the Jamaica / West Indies Department of Education.
It was a liberal dream of 1994 that with a multicultural unity state racism in South Africa would come to an end. Today, 23 years later, racism in the country is worse than ever. Why?
The past’s racism against Japanese (Gooks) was performed by the Japanese with technology. Today, everyone proudly drives a Toyota and buys advanced Japanese technology. Racism against the Chinese is currently being achieved by cheap labor and technological advances.
The keyword is PERFORMANCE. Everyone knows about South Africa’s achievements before 1994 – heart transplants, a weapon industry, Sasol, new inventions, sports achievements, lifting projects, key decisions in the world economy and public opinion. A First World country counted at one stage as the sixth most influential country next to the USA, Britain, Germany, France, and Japan.
We also know what happened after 1994. South Africa is downgraded to junk status, later to a typical Third World country. The rail system, telephone system, postal system, military and police service knew only one road – downhill!
Achievement grows faithful and proud. The Western value system of the Afrikaner in South Africa does not tolerate failure. It goes without saying that the man with a western view of life will see through failure by failure; Not as apartheid or Jan van Riebeeck’s fault. See how fast the stands remain empty if the Bulls or the Springboks play poorly.
“Racism” from white ranks is nothing less than frustration. Frustration because everything that works is broken down because everything is looted and burnt because the achievements of Afrikaans schools and universities are politically overthrown.
But there is more “racism” – there is also reverse racism. Johnson of Jamaica points out that no white country has ever been colonized by a black country (except South Africa’s eerie 1994 experiment). “Many black nations exist, but no prospers. Africa is the only major population to be universally disrespected, even here; why? They have no prosperous, potential menacing nation. Others ask: Can they make the grade?”
“Racism deals with power, not about race,” said Johnson; “A black man’s success is not allowed. Racism is about national power – the day an African country shows that it can develop a top administration, army, space program or technology if they want to win respect and confidence.”
Black racism is characterized by African populations where there is significant potential, but it is broken down with corruption, and there is a deeply rooted psychological tendency to shift all failures to someone else. “It’s Riebeeck’s fault.” “It’s Apartheid’s fault.” “It’s the settler / Indian / white man / Chinese / slave trade / history’s fault”.
“Black nations produce few goods, mainly services – wrong move! They live in nature’s bounty – tourism, beach, jungle, wild animals; To sing, dance, run, preen on a stage is what they do. Blacks do not produce basics – sanitary napkins, car, gun, ship, toilet paper – yet use them with impunity. Blacks do not pull their weight globally, even in farming, and lag on all metrics – innovation, hard work, sacrifice, production, prosperity. They suffer from their performance deficits and use it to blackmail white people for aid.” Said Dr. Franklin Johnston.
Read the original article by Hannes Engelbrecht in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA – blad
South Africa Today – South Africa News