21 Years after Apartheid and he is still going on about “Apartheid ” and “racism” . The biggest racist is Malema and his followers instigating to murder whites because of his dreadful hate he carries within himself.
‘All British White People Are Rubbish!’(and he is right… spineless wimpish liberal Brits love being the masochist). Those are the words from Malema to a white British BBC Journalist: He told that journalist: “ What’s that in your pants , it’s rubbish! Only good for making more rubbish ! “The context is clear: ” All British White Males are the descendants of a RUBBISH WHITE GOD PROCURING A RUBBISH WHITE GOD’S PROCREATION ! ! ! “
He is nothing more than a black racist Hitler, Amin, Stalin, etc. A man based on race and hatred No respect for or value of human life whatsoever. However that is just what the British Elite want. Another raving lunatic in power to keep another African country in ruins so they can continue sacking its resources and lending money at high interests rates to it… and still pretend to have the “moral high ground. “Win win for the British money power, so what if you are called impotent and rubbish… it is shekels that matter!” These facts , and this part captured on video , was played for the world to see , but was never actively reported on, thus it stands to reason, that it was downplayed and conveniently ignored by the very South African news networks that reported on the incident, and disseminated the visuals globally.
Julius Malema now is back in Britain among those same white “rubbish” – and when you look who he is going to meet and address there, then it certainly raises a few eyebrows…Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford Union, Pan African People’s Movement in Tottenham and attend the African Enterprise Awards at the London Capital Club…all affiliated or connected to Rhodes/Milner’s Round Table Group.
Malema is being hosted by the “Who’s who” of the Illuminati in London where the corrupt South African ambassador Obed Mlaba, a Zulu and former mayor of Durban, is seen as a Zuma crony. The message to the ANC is simple:” Your time is up. Mlaba is the man who was investigated together with Mike Sutcliffe for gross corruption and the destruction of the once beautiful city of Durban.”
“It is South African students who lead the struggle against white supremacy – a supremacy that divides the country and excludes indigenous populations. “These was said last night by Julius Malema to a packed hall at the Oxford Union, Oxford University’s debating society, reportedNetwerk24.
Malema is currently touring Britain, where is he meeting with various organizations and stakeholders and holding discussions about the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Malema described white “supremacy” as a system that positioned whites as superior and blacks as inferior. He said it was a system that denied black people education so that they would be “a source of cheap labour”. “South Africa should not be a home for racists. And we’re not going to apologise for that … We believe there is place in South Africa for everyone. But we can not continue to protect white privilege at the expense of black people,” he said.
Malema, who has a close relationship with Winnie Mandela, said that former president Nelson Mandela deviated from the Freedom Charterwhen he divorced Madikizela-Mandela because he went to live in a house that whites (the Oppenheimers) had donated to him. “To complain that Mandela renounced the struggle, is pointless. He knew that the struggle was not over. He left it for us. We will do it. We will not compromise.”
He reiterated that the EFF did not want to replace “white supremacy” with black supremacy. “We want to restore the dignity of the continent and position Africa as an equal partner in the global economy and international politics. “We want Africa to be like Europe. We do not want Europe to treat Africa as its subject. Africa’s time is now,” said Malema. Malema used Cecil John Rhodes as an example of white supremacy. “Rhodes took our land. Rhodes started a system that led to black genocide,” he said.
Malema said this was why black students started the “Rhodes must fall “ campaign – after the EFF’s speech in parliament.
“They don’t say Rhodes must fall because they hate white people, but because they hate what Rhodes did to them. “We can not continue to celebrate people who represent the racial divide of our people.”
Malema is due to address a gathering of Chatham House, one of Britain’s most authoritative think tanks, tonight.