Here we go again. Another shameful act of racism and hatred and, and, and…..you name it. This time by a pastor who dared to assert that white people work for their money and that they are not thieves! He must be an apartheid apologist as well!
Ten minutes of scrolling through Twitter feed will teach you that 99% of people using the #andréolivier – that is the name of our racist pastor – and the #racist hashtag have no idea what the poor man even said.
“Don’t say the problem in South Africa is the white people. No we are not. We have contributed to this nation, and we still do.
“You want to know why white people still have money, it is because they work. So don’t drive them away. They can speak into your life,” he said in the sermon.
“Now don’t get too stressed. If you are white, God will send you black people…. God will use people unlike you to do something in you.
“Don’t push them away. Let them be the voice of God to you.”
So here we have a liberal, pro-diversity pastor making a very moderate statement, which in any sane world would be considered as stating the obvious when he notes that whites actually work to earn their money.
He goes on to say that whites are not the problem, and that they have contributed to the nation. According to him whites didn’t steal from others, and black and white people shouldn’t drive each other away, but embrace one another in their lives.
Now, let’s read my first paragraph again.
Here we go again. Another shameful act of racism and hatred and, and, and…..you name it. This time by a pastor who dared to assert that white people work for their money and that they are not thieves! He must be an apartheid apologist as well!
This is how the media (in particular the Mail & Guardian), politicians and social media users summed up the situation. They bullied the man into an apology which in return was belittled as “white tears” and brushed off as “he’s still a racist”.
The first question that any sane person would ask is: “where is the racist part?”
There is no racist part, because he made a statement about white people. He raised a point in defense of white people who are regularly targeted by hateful rhetoric that is usually something in the line of “they are thieves” and “the problems of our country started when Van Riebeeck arrived”.
How dare he imply that the entire white population is not the problem, right?
But here is a reality check for all the journalists, writers and social justice warriors who can’t wait to grab their pens to earn their salaries every time someone dares to say something nice about white people:
Disagreeing with André Olivier would make you a racist. Saying that white people are the problem, is racist and similarly, saying that white people don’t work for their money is also racist. You are a racist.
Imagine a white person uttering that black people are the problem in this country and that they get a free ride with BEE and Affirmative Action.
This will keep the anti-racist prophets, Human Rights Commission, Mail & Guardian and #BlackTwitter busy for weeks. It would be gold for the media.
Irony is, André Olivier merely expects that this is not said of white people anymore. This makes him a cold racist. He apologizes, in vain.
This brings me to the fallacy of “kafkatrapping”.
The term “kafkatrapping” describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.
The term derives from Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial in which a nondescript bank clerk named Josef K. is arrested; no charges are ever revealed to the character or to the reader. Josef is prosecuted by a bizarre and tyrannical court of unknown authority and he is doomed by impenetrable red tape. (McElroy, 2014)
If a white person gathers enough courage to praise white achievement, or criticize black failure for that matter, it will unleash masses of “kafkatrappers” that will accuse and find him guilty of racism. Their denial will make him an even bigger racist, or alternatively his apology would be an admission of guilt, which would make him only a moderate racist – the best case scenario. Win-win for the accuser of colour and it works every time.
“Kafkatrapping” has been classified by psychiatrists as a form of emotional bullying and manipulation and is a brilliant way to enforce white guilt and suppress the truth in general.
By acknowledging white achievement, André Olivier and Chris Heart and all the other “racist whites” made the mistake of scratching on the plaster that protected the wound of the black inferiority complex. Their crime: racism. Their punishment: Two weeks of media condemnation, damage to their careers, investigation by the HRC, the equality court, and, and and.
This is the only way to keep the absurd narrative alive that white people are despicable criminals that prospered by oppressing others.
“Yes, the laws favored us…”, André Olivier said of white people.
In response to this, I can only say that existing wealth is a prerequisite for being favored by the law. Laws can only distribute wealth, not create or sustain it.
Some people had to create and sustain the wealth and economy by producing, and – social justice warriors and politically correct media keep your ears closed for this one – I’m quite sure it was white people who economically distinguished this country from the rest of the countries on this failing continent. Guess this statement makes me a racist.
So kindly stop apologizing for acknowledging that you work, produce, plan ahead and provide for your families, because when black people make this acknowledgement about themselves, it is considered a massive success story.
Stop being “kafkatrapped” by real racists who have nothing but envy and hate in their hearts. They want you to lower your standards.
Stop apologizing to the de facto tyrannical courts, also known as the media and Twitter, that find you guilty of racism because you unintentionally scratched the plaster that covers the wound of inferiority complexes.
Stop apologizing altogether for things that you are not guilty of. It makes you appear even more guilty. Even worse, it makes you weak and vulnerable.