In times of war we need hero’s to arise. I am only one man but I hope my words find you well. I am a South African abroad. I left South Africa in search of safer and greener grass (I was only 19 years old). In SA I wouldn’t have been able to find work because I am white. The ANC government will prosecute people if they employ whites.
We can also go in to the crime in South Africa. There we average 45 murders per day according to police stats but I think it can be much higher due to the fact that police stats are ANC controlled. Especially the white minority live in absolute fear for their lives. Since 1994 white murders have risen incredibly. The most vulnerable is farmers and old people. The absolute torturous murders are rising and we seek that our voice be heard.
According to The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – The World Factbook South Africa ranks number one in the world on “The average annual number of deaths during a year per 1000 population”.
On every ship a good captain gives the order to abandon ship when sinking. We can safely say that the ANC is a horrible sinking ship. They are a sinking oil-tanker leaving oil spills everywhere they go. I speak on behalf of my Afrikaner minority nation and we desperately seek independence from the ANC.
We seek our own homeland with our own borders to protect. I have been to 9 countries and every time I go through immigration it feels like a knife through my heart. It feels like a knife because I know South Africa have absolutely no border control and illegal immigrants roam our country. They are the worst of the worst from Africa. Drug dealers, rapists, murderers and human traffickers you name it the ANC allows them to roam.
We seek independence for the preservation of our minority nation. I am 20 years old now and I wasn’t born during Apartheid and did not participate in it. I am not an Apartheid lover or supporter. We simply need independence from the ANC to avoid another Zimbabwe or to be another failed African state. We have full rights to be independent and to serve our own country where we can be proud and sing a national anthem in only one language and not in four languages. I am in Thailand and they here call us “farang” meaning foreigner. I can’t help but to think when I go back to South Africa what will I be? I cannot be a national there? There I am also a foreigner… No one there can be South African since we are called a “rainbow nation”… Minorities are endangered in a rainbow nation…
We all in South Africa are tired of crime and corruption but the white minority doesn’t have a big say in elections since we are only 8-9 % of the population. We have the best jokes about our circus-government because we know we cannot do much in elections. Humor helps us cope in the most unforgivable, rough and dangerous place on the face of this planet – Africa…
We have gone along for 20 years of ANC-style democracy that is nonexistent and therefore, especially people out of South Africa I ask you to acknowledge our plea for independence from crime, murder, injustice, genocide, corruption, unsafe borders, illegal immigrants and the ANC…
Recently we picked up on the biggest land claim in South African history by the whites who bought land from the Zulus. We also saw that this article never reached main-stream media. A while ago blacks filed a land claim for the whole Pretoria and they were headline news… Why when we claim land the media doesn’t cover it???. That is why it is very important that this article needs to be shared to beat “blind media”… Our claim never reached main-stream media…
Currently whites have no future in SA and I don’t see it improving soon. We only wish for our own borders and our own country to start and live like humans again, you cannot live in total fear and darkness…
Please pray for the white minority in South Africa…
Please share this on for more exposure we need international attention on our devastating situation in South Africa.
Please help to share this article in order to get this out to main-stream South African and International Media.
Johan Frylinck
Below is the link to the Land Claim:
Largest Land Claim in South Africa: old Boer Republic
South Africa Today – South Africa News