Real Reason Why Police Eventually Opened Fire At Sharpeville ?
Could it be that Just a week before Sharpville Police Were Viciously Killed in Cato Ridge and Their Bodies
Dragged Through The Streets With Their Penises Cut Off and Then Stuffed Into Their Throats
Sharpeville Incident: What do you know about the Cato Manor tragedy a few weeks earlier? There the police obeyed the order not to shoot. The crowds overran the police station and four white and five black police officers were viciously killed – their bodies dragged through the streets by blacks, with their penises cut off and stuffed into their throats. It would also have happened in Sharpeville if one frightened policemen did not open fire first as hundreds of blacks started throwing bricks and rocks at them (The Police). Cato Manor was swept under the carpet by the press as it was not inline with the liberal press’ communist agenda of the day.
Nelson Mandela the worlds Saint: You seem to believe that Nelson Mandela was an innocent man who was jailed because he merely wanted “freedom.” Not so. His trial was attended by representatives of most Western countries and closely followed in the rest of the world. Documents in his own handwriting eventually convicted him. In those he praised the Communist and Marxist systems in the Soviet Union. The present ANC is simply fulfilling the ideals for which Mr Mandela was incarcerated.
Our democracy is turning into a dictatorship. I was always very protective of my country. If anyone ever said to me we would end up like our neighbour Zimbabwe I would voraciously shout them down, however it looks more and more possible as each day passes. The government is starting to question and control the judicial court findings, it is starting to question the freedom of the press, these are all signs. Our government has aligned itself more with fellow dictatorship regimes around the world than democratic ones. Our very own President is not respected amongst the western world; we are seen to be a corrupt nation on the brink of civil war again. International law is blatantly disregarded. Suddenly I am scared, people are scared both black & white, as what or who is going to save us this time?
Your Parents Weren’t Wrong. They remembered the Church Street bomb, the landmines on farm roads, Amanzimtoti mall bomb, etc. The ANC never discriminated as far as their victims were concerned. Many Blacks died in their bombings. Even more were burned alive and necklaced. Trust me, the legacy of the ANC is far more bloody and frightening than anything that came before.
Some Say It Is Better To Know the truth, than Not To Know,
Yet The Liberal Press Believe Lies Make Better Stories
The Above statements are from comments found in the
South African news paper News24 July 2015
The names of the commentors have been removed.