Afrikaner poverty timeline: the genocide of an entire nation with 108 laws barring whites from surviving in SA
15:55 May 10 2013 Johannesburg, South Africa
Afrikaner Poverty Timeline 1994 – 2013
– May 9 2013: South Africa’s 3,4million Afrikaners have fallen on tough times. And things are getting even worse: with the ANC-presidential election launched this month, it’s clear the main theme will be anti-white – hiding behind lofty words such as property-restitution and ‘ Broad-Based-Black-Economic-Empowerment ‘:
The Freedom Front Plus opposition party — the only party which represents Afrikaners in parliament – warns that almost 25% — one-quarter of the entire Afrikaner-Boer population — are denied jobs by law, living in grinding poverty on marginal land sites they are not allowed to own nor farm. This is made even worse because whites are not allowed government benefits nor even food-aid from private donors to help these poor Afrikaners in their survival-battle. Many hundreds of thousand Afrikaners have no access to clean water nor any means of raising self-sustaining vegetable-plots. The Afrikaner nation was reduced by a large variety of government-measures from the single-largest group of employers of black people in the country – to an increasingly destitute, empoverished nation. Within two decades.In 1994, the Afrikaners were the single-largest group of employers of under-educated black people in South Africa:
it’s been estimated that at the peak of Afrikaner economic power, as many as 6million black workers were in their employ: often these workers’ families were also given free housing, free food etc, and in 1994, it was recorded that 85,000 tax-paying farmers had also paid to build farm-schools for workers’ children on their properties. The families of those workers (with an average-sized black South African family having six members including grandparents) relied solely on the income generated by Afrikaners for their survival and often lived with Afrikaners on their private properties.
Farm schools in South Africa:
The ANC-regime now is single-largest employer of black workers: 3.072,000 workers were reportedly employed by ‘the State’ by May 2013: (22.6% of the entire working population). (source: SACCI: 6 May 2013) And the few remaining taxpayers have to pay for this, because government-workers do not generate wealth of their own, and nor do the 21million people who applied for social-welfare grants this month. (Solidarity noted that only a small minority of 1,5million taxpayers pay 87% of all SA taxes…) also have to pay for the more than 15million unemployable, under-educated black people who also receive a large variety of government benefits costing a total of R120billion in 2013 – from child- and old-age benefits to food-aid, free school funds, free electricity, free water supplies and a large variety of unemployment benefits.
DOUBLE WHAMMY IN 2013 FOR AFRIKANERS: Double-whammy in 2013: confiscation of private property and even more job-restrictions: http://mg.co.za/article/2012-06-30-anc-introduces-its-new-policy-on-land-reform
Forthcoming presidential election platform: the ethnic-cleansing of whites from properties and jobs:
In the forthcoming presidential election, the ANC’s drive to remove all whites from all jobs will become its main platform – together with its newly-adopted laws for the confiscation of all private property. Many of the state-owned mineral rights have already been transferred to its new trading partner, China – which has boosted its gold-imports by 150% over the past year. At least 6.9million people from the labour-pool are now unemployed, but the ANC regime denies this, saying its ‘official unemployment rate’ rose to 4,6million people — 25.2% of the available workforce — in the first quarter of 2013 (StatsSA 6 May 2013 quarterly labour force survey: SAnews.gov.za).
All the whites with private properties anywHere – in towns and in the countryside — thus face a double-onslaught this year: the ANC’s new confiscation laws mean that any local-government official can decide to confiscate ‘white-owned’ properties anywhere in South Africa. And the word ‘property’ also applies to privately-owned shares, patents, mining rights, business premises and all land in towns and the countryside…
— One can see the results of all these anti-white laws in the many hundreds of thousands of desperately poor Afrikaners who are fleeing to marginal sites, struggling to survive, with no hope of even being allowed to look for work; nor being allowed to own land even for their own survival-farming. Old-age pensioners often also find themselves doing slave-labour in exchange for a roof over their heads where they have to hand over their entire pension, for instance at the Bapsfontein squatter camp. Moreover, poor people who are trying to survive in small entrepreneurial businesses, face government crackdowns too, noted the Daily Maverick’s Ivo Vegter on 16 April 2013: “Business will have to ask the government’s permission to operate – from street vendors on up,’ he writes.
Moreover, many millions of illegal black migrants from the rest of Africa have streamed across the wide-open borders and proceed to set up their own little “Bantustan” camps in ethnic-isolation from other black African groups: Meanwhile many millions of illegal black Africans are still flooding into SA from wide-open borders manned by fraudulent guards: and all these people set up shanty-camps, supporting themselves primarily with violent and non-violent crime. But while the Afrikaner poor are constantly hammered by officials to tear down their little shanties, the ANC-officials ignore the squatter-camps occupied by foreign blacks. Apparently the laws against ‘squatter-shacks’ are only being enforced against whites, but not against the many millions of foreign blacks flooding into the country and building sprawling squatter-settlements in ethnic-isolation from other blacks – i.e. there now are many little pockets of segregated apartheid-style little ‘bantustans’ mushrooming all over South Africa – with millions of illegal black migrants from as far afield as Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe living in ethnic-isolation from other black Africans. Ethnic tensions – ‘xenophobia’ – frequently flare up between these communities.
Presidential election platform: get rid of those pesky whites: Farmitracker has placed 910 hatecrimes against whites on record since May 2012:
And things are going to get even worse for the Afrikaners from this year — judging from the vehemence with which the ANC-regime has launched its presidential campaign last week, it’s clear that their main election platform will be their ethnic-cleansing campaign to remove all Afrikaners from the job-market, using their Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment act to hide behind. The ANC-regime now is cracking down on even the smallest companies who still try desperately to get qualified personnel in the labour pool. And the anti-white rhetoric spouted by the country’s rulers can be seen in the dramatic increase in hatecrimes against whites – especially Afrikaners in the cities and in the countryside are targetted for horrifically brutal crimes: From May 2012 – May 6 2013 at least 910 hatecrimes were logged against Whites in SA on the Farmitracker site. Most of these hatecrimes took place against Afrikaners in the former Boer-Republic areas – the former Transvaal, Free State and the Vryheid region in KwaZuluNatal, as the map below shows.
Hatecrimes: Farmitracker: http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports
Meanwhile many tens of thousands of Afrikaner children are being denied food-aid, because the ANC-government also leans on private companies to stop helping ‘whites’ – using the black-economic-empowerment Act as an excuse to starve white children with.
The regime has even started denying food-aid and private donations to destitute Afrikaner orphans in children’s homes — leaning heavily on any companies which until recently, still donated money. A recent example: the Jacaranda Children’s Home in Pretoria (340 children).
260 of those 340 children – placed there by the law-courts — are Afrikaners. Jacaranda Children’s home was founded to keep homeless Afrikaner children inside their own cultural environment: Under the international law governing the prevention of genocidal acts, a State’s deliberate alienation of children of any minority from their traditional culture and their parentage is considered genocidal behaviour. http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2013/04/23/ngo-too-white-for-donors
From the very young to the very old: the entire Afrikaner nation is heading towards hopeless, grinding poverty
Due to their growing poverty, many young Afrikaner parents now also hand their children over to social-welfare agencies in the hope that they will be taken care of. However all indications are that these Afrikaner children will have to be sent to such institutions in black townships to ‘qualify under the BBBEE-act’ – thus forcing these white children from their own cultural background, which is a genocidal act.
And Afrikaner old-age pensioners are just as hard-hit: at last count there were some 300,000 former government-pensioners, the majority still are Afrikaners: and there have been shocking examples of exploitation by their own kind.
Many Afrikaners are ‘actively discouraged from seeking work’ by these BBBEE laws:
The ‘official unemployment statistics however exclude the 2.3million ‘ discouraged’ work seekers: those are the people who ‘did not actively seek work and were not employed during the week before the reference period.” in their own parlance. What they don’t say is that there are many hundreds of thousands of working-age Afrikaners in this group: they are in fact being ” actively discouraged” from seeking work: the ANC-regime’s Broad-Based-Black-Economic-Empowerment Act bars the majority of whites from the labour pool. By ‘law’. And earlier this week, Absa Capita (bank) also said in its Monday-morning report that unemployment will worsen — “due to weak growth and labour-shedding in the private sector, particularly in the mining sector.” The mining sector still employed a large number of Afrikaners – allowed to work because of their ‘exceptional engineering skills’. The ANC/SACP/Cosatu ruling alliance has however put the mining sector under horrific pressure through a relentless series of often very violent strikes. Many mines are closing and foreign investors are withdrawing. SA farmers have also laid of a large number of black workers this year for the same reason.
Statistics-South Africa officially defines an unemployed person as follows:
– Aged between 15 to 64 and
— Unemployed in reference week before the quarterly report and
— who has been actively looking for work in the four weeks preceeding the survey interview and
—- who is available for work or for starting a business.
They soared to 2.3 million between the fourth and first quarter. Thus the two groups combined represented an unemployment rate of 36.7% in the first quarter of 2013.
The SA economy also lost about 1mllion jobs in 2012. It is estimated that some 13.6million people are now employed in the formal and informal sectors. However – the unknown number of workers in the informal sectors do not pay taxes. They do not generate income for the State. The latest figure that the South African Revenue Service (SARS) likes to use is 13,7 million, while “five million” is often heard during everyday conversations. However, in actual fact, the figure is closer to 2,3 million, or even as low as 1,5 million taxpayers paying for more than 84% of all SA taxes… http://www.moneyweb.co.za/moneyweb-tax/less-taxpayers-than-sars-reports-solidarity
ANC main party-political platform: property restitution: http://mg.co.za/article/2012-06-30-anc-introduces-its-new-policy-on-land-reform
The Broad-Based-Black-Economic-Empowerment act bars the vast majority of whites from the countrywide job market. In the Northern and Western Cape – where most of SA’s so named ‘coloured’ people have always lived traditionally, including the KhoiSan ‘first nation’ tribes — they now are also pushed from the labour pool and many are forced to ‘migrate to other provinces’ while the ANC is shipping a large number of their own party-faithful from the traditional Xhosa/Zulu tribal areas to replace such sacked workers. A similar process is also occurring in the North West province’s platinum-mining region around Rustenburg/Marikana: where local blacks are being pushed out of their jobs by Xhosa/Zulu speakers shipped in by the ANC-regime with claims that ‘locals are too lazy to work’. This has led to some of the most violent mineworkers’ rioting in SA history, with the ANC-regime cracking down hard on the striking workers.
Who pays the most taxes? 1,5million taxpayers pay close to 84% of all SA taxes
Afrikaner poverty: Freedom Front warnings ignored, laughed at in SA parliament:
Besides denying children from a specific group food-aid, forcing children from their own ethnic backgrounds is also a genocidal act: