MARCH 20, 2016
South Africa’s human rights policies are currently under review by the United Nations. Although the end of apartheid in 1994 was meant to end what was considered a repressive regime and bring freedom to all South Africans, as well as bring the South African people together, it has not. Instead, it has resulted in a fractured state where many white South Africans are pushing for their own state and want to secede as a people from the greater state of South Africa.
One of the biggest myths about South Africa is that the indigenous people of South Africa are black. Unlike a lot of other countries, South Africa is different in that both blacks and whites migrated to the area at roughly the same time in the early 1600s. IOL reported in 2007 that DNA evidence could be used to prove that claims made by blacks that the land belonged to them because they were there first were false claims. Dr. Wilmot James, head of the African Genome Project, said that a database would be created so that South Africans could trace their genealogy.
“No one group can lay claim to South Africa. Everyone is a settler, and we will show how people came here in waves of migration.”
As South Africa once again purports to celebrate another Human Rights Day, the country’s record on human rights leaves a lot to be desired. IOL also reported that President Jacob Zuma announced an anti-racism theme for this year’s Human Rights Day. Nothing could smack of hypocrisy more than complaints about racism by blacks in a country where the majority population, which is black, are in control of the country. Zuma announced the theme because he said there had been an upsurge in racist incidents, particularly on social media.
As previously reported in the Inquisitr, in the latest report on human rights in South Africa, farm murders and white genocide continue to be ignored. Whites have been excluded from the South African job market through policies like Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), which gives blacks extra privileges within the job market, often at the expense of excluding the most qualified candidates. Although blacks may be smarting from some insensitive remarks made on social media, one fourth of the white South African population is living in squatter camps while whites also face genuine discrimination and outright extermination.
The Daily Maverick reported that the focus on human rights is more important than ever now. Although the South African Constitution is considered to be one of the most enlightened in the world, so far it has failed to uphold the rights that it promises to protect. Laws like BEE are unconstitutional because they favor the rights of one group over another. Although apartheid was wrong, it is also over, and it is way past time for South Africa to move past dwelling on a political system that is no longer in place.
This too smacks of hypocrisy on the part of the South African government and particularly its President Jacob Zuma. Although Zuma condemns racism, as late as 2013 he sang the song Kill The Boer at an African National Congress (ANC) rally. The song was a song sung by the ANC during apartheid as part of their protest, and it calls for killing whites in South Africa.
Now that South Africa has a largely black government in place, the pendulum has swung and now those who were once in charge of the country are now having their human rights violated. South Africa currently sits at Stage 6 on a scale of eight for white genocide, according to Dr. Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch, which means that South Africa is currently preparing to exterminate whites.
South Africa has had 21 years since the end of apartheid to rectify the the mistakes of its past, and the human rights violations in South Africa are far worse than anything committed under apartheid. South Africa is currently the rape and murder capital of the world, and the slave trade is alive and well. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa rendered its final volume in 2003, granted all pardons for human rights violations and crimes committed under apartheid, and it was meant to be the end of the issues South Africa had experienced up until then.
Sadly, the tension is worse than ever, and the real issue that South Africa faces isn’t racial at all. It is political. Will South Africa continue to embrace a Communist political system when the same political systems have proven to have the worst human rights violations and are the most murderous in the world?
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2906720/human-rights-day-in-south-africa-exposes-the-hypocrisy-of-jacob-zumas-anc-led-government/#J4pecLj7HoAUCHSe.99
Human Rights Day In South Africa Exposes The Hypocrisy Of Jacob Zuma’s ANC Led Government