The fall of South African “Apartheid” was actually the substitution of common sense politics to Communism, that age old failure. Now, as with children of Japan who ask of China that no blame be laid on them for the “Rape of Nanking”, as they weren’t even born.. In turn this makes now the South African treatment of the Boers of South Africa Racial Discrimination in it’s crudest form, and that of hate against children.
Why would a government, and its people, find fault in children, other than what is blatantly obvious in respect to South Africa? It has echoes now of how Germans, Irish, Americans of the South, I would say China, but they killed all their Anti-Communists, but I will also say Ukraine too though. I was living in Spain last year, where it is basically forbidden to mention now Franco and the Franco regime, even though it was that regime that created a Spain where (((Everyone))) flocked to for holidaying and loved it. In Italy I experienced similar about Mussolini, France had their Vichy nationalist government, Norway had their leader Quisling and everything about these histories is toxic to the “Modernist” governemts of today, and man isn’t that telling.
Don’t even think about having a contradictory opinion, and certainly if you’re born post all of the things that are toxic to the Jewish governmental template narrative, woe be tide you. Of course our benevolent goyernments will never bestow on us any problems that can be fixed, as they’re already busy getting us to pay for things not necessary and never voted for. I’m sure, as with the Black children of South Africa, the Boer children were certainly never given the option to vote, right.
What this boils down to is a contrast in views in relation to Israel and Palestine, where when one State overlaps another then it’s fine, but for anyone else it’s not fine. One of the hush, hush things about South Africa is the migrating of Blacks to “Apartheid” South Africa, because Blacks wanted to be there and that situation got utilised by the Communists. The world over every non Communist government is used as a mechanism to get their man in, in this case Mandela, who is responsible for many, many thousands of deaths now. The gravity of the situation is too much now, it’s precarious at best. As was done before, the world must make great efforts to highlight the new problems in South Africa and bring remedies so that all children may have fair and safe lives, as shall all children of the world.
Isn’t it just fitting that we can all see the needs of much work to be done, yet we’re largely powerless to help, as we perceive it, yet from small acorns great oaks do grow. “Poco a poco, dia a dia” Spanish proverb – Little by little, day by day is the interpretation, but in that saying it also alludes that it must be done, so whatever little thing you can do, please, please do it. It could be just a simple thing as send an email of this article to a friend, post it on facebook, send to your governmental representative, local and national. Talk about it to workmates, bring it up as a thing, a topic, a bit of important information that can bring positive change, if not openly apparent at least leading to something. If nothing else say a prayer or send kind thoughts, however it is that you self reflect and change the vibrational qualities in your safe space. I’m sure the children of the world deserve it, I’m sure they need it and I’m sure they’d appreciate it.