The facts and figures aren’t all in yet however the cost of replacing the Metrorail train set on fire by Marxist incited arsonists this past autumn appears to be ‘hundreds of millions of rand’ according to a report out of Cape Town.
We will have more tomorrow….
Original story
The liberal mainstream media are calling this latest incident of violence an ‘act of protestation’, as the nation devolves into Zimbabwe.
This times it’s a train in the Cape Town region of Khayelitsha that’s been targeted. The AP reported that ‘as the train approached Chris Hani Station, demonstrators pelted it with rocks and a petrol bomb.’
Although there appears to have been no casualties from what we are hearing from the ground, the damage to the national psyche is enormous.
This incident, perpetrated by hate filled criminals, will be utilised by Marxist race and class warfare profiteering radicals to drive our societies farther into oblivion.
Men like Julius Malema; and in the US, Al Sharpton, use race/class division, and incidents where race and poverty are perceived to be the motivation for strife, to incite violence, while enrich themselves in the process.
They seek to divide people divide people and incite animosity, by selectively attacking society’s most productive citizens and preying upon the misguided sensibilities of both the black and white populations in an attempt to grab power and destroy the societies they hate.
This is what we are seeing in South Africa, the Ferguson, Missouri riots in the U.S. and will continue to see until these villains are stopped.
And in spite of the fact this incident is simply the work of hate filled anarchists and criminals, I can hear the left now. Apartheid is responsible. The men that did this obviously suffer from trans-generational trauma as a result of the fact that their grandmother was once asked to show her ID card and told she couldn’t use a child’s toe to wish for money in a Muthi ritual. (sarcasm)
In the US, a kid is shot by a cop, and in spite of the fact that 98% of all black youths are shot by other blacks, the media feigns moral outrage and an entire city goes up in smoke.
For more on the media’s deliberate incitement of hatred, and who in fact is behind it, please see this article.
Bottom line-we really need to wake up before ALL of our nations are up in smoke.
Blacks, Muslims, even women and gays are being used as weapons to inflict grievous harm upon our societies. We need to stand tall in this dangerous period in history. We need to embrace conservatives of all backgrounds and seize our societies back from these fiends.
For more information see our other articles and please be sure to sign up for our news alert service at the top of the page before leaving us. We will be activating it in September or as soon as we have reached our 10,000 subscriber cap. We are currently at 7453 so please sign up soon so we can reach you when thingsreally start to happen – Giacomo Vallone
Article from the SA AP Wire
“A group of people were protesting in the area last night when the incident took place.
As the train approached Chris Hani Station, demonstrators pelted it with rocks and a petrol bomb.
Four coaches caught alight and a ticket office was also torched.
Metrorail’s Richard Walker says millions of rands worth of damage was caused.
“It was quite volatile out there. Police cordoned the entire area. It was even difficult for our own people to get close to the area. About four coaches of that train was totally destroyed.”
This incident comes just a few weeks after signal cables on the rail operator’s busy central line were vandalised, severely disrupting services for several days.” from the SA AP wire