Summary of 1 January to 31 July2019 murders of Afrikaners on Farms and in Towns. 117 Afrikaners murdered.
In June ánd July 2019 a total of thirty Afrikaners were murdered by armed black militants. From May 31 to January 1 2019, Sixty-seven Afrikaners were murdered. Thus far this year, a total of 117 Afrikaners were murdered by black militants in South Africa

In 2019’s first 5 months (1 Jan – May 31) the following 67 Afrikaners were murdered by armed black militants.
May 2019: eight Afrikaners murdered:
April 2019: 14 Afrikaners murdered:

March 2019 Murders and Attacks on Afrikaners on Farms and in Towns:

February 2019 Seven farmers were murdered in 59 farm attacks:

January 2019 Eight Afrikaners were murdered

July 30 2019 ANC tries to
disband ANC youth league – but local groups instead organise training
camp for gun-training, military tactics and guerilla tactics in August
Radio interview with organiser: “The ANC youth league is changing tactics, we need to know about gun-training, military tactics and guerilla fighting’ https://omny.fm/shows/the-midday-report/anc-youth-league-camp-guerilla-training-gun-handli
No electronic- or electrified
barriers stop the black farm attack gangs from reaching their targets:
the farmer and his family: video of 9member attack gang shows:Beeld report

Casual farm worker Adam Lukas van Staden, 21, turns himself in to
Nigel police for the murder of farmer Johan Pretorius on 20 June 2019

Murdered in July 2019 thus far:

Twelve dead 1 – 27 July 2019:
July 1 2019 Afrikaner airline pilot Mark Nel, 56, dead in hospital from execution-style shooting, Melkbosstrand.
July 2 2019 Afrikaner woman Ria Oosthuizen 80s, Velddrift: torched books stacked atop her.
July 2 2019 Afrikaner man Mario Kemp dies in hospital: shot in face in business-attack Boksburg
July 2 2019 Farm woman found dead: tied up inside torched Bloemspruit home: Afriforum
July 9 2019 Afrikaner Anna Herbst 61, murdered in torched home in Bloemfontein
July 12 2019 Afrikaner Nico Heerschap, 74 executed: Melkbosstrand: (father of Hawks investigator shot dead in son’s car);
12 2019 Afrikaner farm-couple Ina and Sakkie van den Berg tortured to
death, their mutilated, tied up bodies found by police. Hands chopped
off while he was still alive. Boshof/Dealesville, Free State
July 14
2019 Afrikaner farmer Nic Oosthuizen 87, dies of stress-related heart
failure, collapsing next to his bakkie while a large black gang destroys
his homestead.
July 15 2019 Ex-footballer Mark Batchelor shot dead execution-style by two black males on a motorbike: Olivedale, Randburg.
July 19 2019 Hennie de Beer – kidnapped and slashed to death with a machete
20 2019 Oudtshoorn police opens cold-case murder-investigation into
1977 death of Afrikaner farm-child Lizette Smit, 12: her bones were
identified at farm Muldersbank.
July 27 2019 Ukrainian agricultural expert Ivan Ivanovich murdered while hiking in Hout Bay Cape Town nature reserve.

Food distribution threatened in South Africa: Shoprite
supermarkets creates a private protection army for its
125,000 employees: staff targeted in almost 500 armed robberies in 2018
— and
drivers of their food-trucks put at great risk from the numerous
molotov-cocktail bombings of their trucks by organized ‘black community
land-grabbers” who are deliberately killing and injuring
the drivers transporting food countrywide…

24 July 2019 Land grabs of food-producing smallholdings in
Stilfontein North West province continue 24 July 2019. Starting on 23
March 2019, very violent organised black gangs cut a swathe of violence
while replacing white and coloured taxpaying vegetable-producers with
slum-housing for unproductive black foreign migrants, mostly from

1. Lenasia south Johannesburg – Asian and coloured taxpaying land-owners protest at meeting over black-racist #LandGrabs
2. Suidlanders: The Anatomy of a #LandGrab south of Johannesburg:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO3djkShQ6USuidlanders Land Grab
———————————-June 2019 – Afrikaners murdered by black militants — update 10 July 2019

May 2019 Afrikaners murdered by black militants

April 2019 Afrikaners murdered by black militants

March 2019 Afrikaners murdered by black militants

February 2019 Afrikaners murdered by black militants

January 2019 Afrikaners murdered by black militants

Posted by AdrianaStuijt at 04:49
Adriana Stuijt

AdrianaStuijt Dokkum, Friesland, Netherlands Retired SA medical journalist, Rand Daily Mail, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, SAPA, Cape Argus Tygerberg area bureau chief, medical journalism, covered Ebola, Congo Fever, XDR-TB, Aids epidemics, reported on open-heart surgery at Groote Schuur, Tygerberg hospitals. Filed many first-hand reports on farm-attacks and trials of farm-murderers. Languages: Afrikaans, Dutch, English, German. Mijn volledige profiel weergeven