What. A. Day.

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So, you probably know by now that three of South Africa’s Sunday papers – Rapport, City Press and the Sunday Times – made some big revelations. All that “evidence” that Jacob Zuma keeps asking for about his wrongdoings?
These papers have been having it. The full, grisly details are chilling and you can read the full reports in the Sunday Times and the City Press respectively.
This includes details by the City Press on how the Guptas PR firm Bell Pottinger, “prepared a press release which would have implicated former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas in receiving bribes and other benefits such as flights upgrades and luxury hotel rooms from a South African businessman” and how the PR firm worked with “Black First Land First’s leader Andile Mgxitama” to “discredit state capture allegations”.
But here’s a quick summary to whet your appetite.
- The Guptas were sent Mosebenzi Zwane’s CV before he was given the job as minister of mineral resources. The paper says he was “handpicked”.
- The family moved to have former communications minister, Faith Muthambi’s powers strengthen before she was appointed.
- The family was sent a presidential proclamation detailing Muthambi’s powers before Zuma signed it off.
- Muthambi shared confidential information on cabinet meetings with the Guptas.
- Des van Rooyen’s trip after his cabinet appointment was paid for by the Guptas.
- The evidence against Van Rooyen is particularly shocking: he repeatedly claimed that his trip to Dubai was private, and paid for by himself.
- The papers claim email shows the trip was booked a day before his departure – and paid for by the Gupta family.
- At the time, many suggested Van Rooyen was appointed as finance minister because of his links to the Gupta family. According to the Sunday Times, he “arrived at the Treasury with two advisers said to be linked to the Guptas, Mohamed Bobat and Ian Whitley. The two moved with him to cooperative governance.
- Denel director Dan Mantsha was chauffeured around Dubai on the Guptas’ tab.
- Matshela Koko, who was later appointed acting CEO of Eskom, had his bill for a posh stay at the Oberoi Hotel in Dubai paid for by the family.
- Received a request from a SAA board member to get onto the board of Transnet.
- Zwane received media coaching on how deflect questions on his relationship with the family.
- ANC Youth League president Collen Maine also received media training.
- The family flew Zwane to Dubai and paid for his accommodation.
- Helped Jacob Zuma’s son, Duduzane Zuma, draft a letter seeking patronage and asking for residency in the UAE.
Well, the ANC NEC is gonna be interesting…
The 15 most chilling revelations from the Sunday Papers that show how deep #StateCapture goes